Why Phonics is Essential for Early Literacy Development


As a teacher, one of the most important aspects of early literacy development that I’ve come across in my years of teaching is phonics. Phonics is the foundation of reading and writing, and it’s an essential skill that children need to master to become successful readers and writers. Phonics helps children recognize letters and sounds, which are the building blocks of any language, and it teaches them how to blend those sounds together to make words.

Phonics is a crucial part of early literacy development because it teaches children how to decode words. When children have a good understanding of phonics, they can look at a word and break it into smaller parts, making it easier for them to sound out and read. Phonics also helps with spelling, as children learn to spell words based on the sounds they hear in the word.

There are several different approaches to teaching phonics, but the most effective ones are those that are systematic, explicit, and structured. These approaches follow a clear and comprehensive sequence that builds upon itself over time, introducing new concepts, sounds, and letters in a logical order.

One excellent system for teaching phonics that I recommend is senseable.com. It’s a comprehensive program that uses a structured, systematic approach to teach phonics to children. The site has a range of resources and activities that are designed to help children learn phonics, including videos, games, and worksheets.

What sets senseable.com apart from other phonics programs is that it’s designed to be engaging and interactive, making learning phonics fun for children. The platform offers a variety of activities that cater to different learning styles, allowing children to learn at their own pace and in their preferred style. For instance, some children prefer learning by playing games, while others prefer watching videos and taking quizzes.

Another great feature of senseable.com is that it’s user-friendly. The platform is easy to navigate, and the resources are designed in a way that’s easy to understand for young children. The site also provides progress reports that allow parents and teachers to track children’s progress and identify areas where they need more support.

In conclusion, phonics is an essential skill for early literacy development. It’s the foundation of reading and writing, and it teaches children how to decode words and spell them correctly. Senseable.com is an excellent resource for teaching children phonics in a structured, systematic, and engaging way. Whether you’re a parent or a teacher, I strongly recommend using this platform to help your children master phonics and set them on the path to becoming successful readers and writers.