The Science of Reading: Why Phonics Matters More Than Ever


As someone who has been teaching phonics to children for many years, I can confidently say that it is one of the most important skills they can acquire in early childhood education. Phonics, the method of teaching children how to read by sounding out words, has been around for centuries and is more relevant today than ever before. In this article, we will explore the science behind phonics, why it matters and how can help children learn this essential skill.

There is a lot of research that supports the use of phonics as a primary method for teaching children how to read. The National Reading Panel, established by Congress in 2000, found that phonics instruction helps children develop better word recognition, spelling and reading comprehension. Another study published in the Journal of Educational Psychology found that children who learned phonics had better reading comprehension and demonstrated stronger phonemic awareness than children who did not.

Phonemic awareness is the ability to hear and identify individual sounds in spoken words, which is a crucial prerequisite to being able to read. Children who cannot differentiate sounds may struggle with learning to read and may even be diagnosed with a reading disability. Fortunately, phonics instruction can help children develop phonemic awareness and improve their reading skills.

One of the reasons why phonics is so important today is that there are many children who are not being exposed to spoken language at an early age. With the rise of screen time, children are spending more time watching videos and playing games than interacting with adults and siblings. This lack of exposure to spoken language can lead to delays in language development and difficulty with reading later on.

Phonics can help bridge this gap by teaching children how to read and write using sounds and letter-sound relationships. By learning the sounds of letters and how to blend them together, children can read and spell words they have never encountered before. This skill is invaluable for academic success and can be applied to any subject that requires reading and writing. is a great resource for parents and educators looking to teach phonics to children. Their system uses a multisensory approach that engages children with audio, visual and kinesthetic activities. Children can learn at their own pace with interactive games and personalized feedback that reinforces their understanding of phonics.

Additionally, the system incorporates the latest research on how children learn, making it an effective tool for children with learning disabilities or English language learners. also offers a free trial for parents and educators who want to see if their program is right for their child.

In conclusion, the science of reading supports the use of phonics as a primary method for teaching children to read. Phonics instruction helps children develop phonemic awareness, which is crucial for reading and spelling. With, parents and educators have a great resource for teaching phonics to children in a fun and effective way.